Saint Peregrine
Saint Peregrine

Saint Peregrine

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Part Number:SC-34

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Glorious wonder-worker, St. Peregrine, you answered the divine call with a ready spirit & who himself was cured of cancer is the Patron Saint of Cancer patients. Look to St. Peregrines life not that God worked a miracle, but that a faithful servant placed himself, unconditionally, in the hands of God. St. Peregrine's trust in God therefore serves as a model for those dealing with sickness. Obtain for me the grace to answer every call of God and to fulfill His will in all the events of life.

Our sun catchers delight all year round: hanging in a window or from a tree in your garden, they look beautiful and bring a smile or memory to whom ever gazes upon them. This ornament makes a great gift for friends or yourself. Ì_Ì_

Approximately 4.25" in diameter and a quarter inch thick, weighing 4 oz or more, these are heavy as one would expect from a quality piece. Ì_The glass is individually hand pressed from molds that are engraved in relief. Ì_Individual variations such as bubbles and shearÌ_marks occur naturally in the process of gathering the glass, distinguishing each as handmade. Ì_Ì_

Each sun catcher comes in our gloss white Mission Glass Works Gift box.

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